Scientific Knowledge Analysis with
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Science Architect was designed:
To bring back scientific curiosity.
To transform you into an ideas-generating machine.
To help you make great discoveries.
Science Architect is:
An advanced note-taking application intended for creating notes of scientific information.
A scientific knowledge modeling tool that allows you to model various systems from your notes.
A tool that allows to effectively analyze scientific knowledge, brainstorm, and generate great scientific ideas.
A powerful search tool for your notes.
A tool that can automatically construct new scientific knowledge from existing knowledge.
Efficient Knowledge Analysis and Management are the Main Keys to Success in Science
The amount of scientific information increases exponentially and it directly changes the process of scientific discovery. Scientists need to analyse more and more scientific literature in order to generate competitive ideas. To solve this problem we are developing a scientific knowledge analysis and management program called Science Architect. It uses systems modelling technology to store scientific information and increases the effectiveness of information management and scientific ideas generation. In order to download and use the Science Architect program you need to register, login and subscribe to our services.
Generate Better Scientific Ideas
Easily testable, breakthrough idea is the main objective for many scientists. Science Architect was designed for this goal. It allows to model systems of facts and improves goal-oriented thinking. Scientific systems engineer is forced to think how every fact relates to other facts and problems. Additionally, Science Architect improves the process of serendipity, where scientists discover unexpected connections between fields of science and make huge discoveries.

Group Facts in a Friendly Manner
With Science Architect, you can group facts into a hierarchical structure and associate them with references, links and files. This means you can create custom categories and fill them with relevant facts, as well as classify facts into different types that are easily distinguishable by icon. This functionality provides an intuitive and efficient way to organize and manage scientific information, allowing scientists to more effectively and efficiently generate new ideas and insights.

Show Relations Between Facts
Science architect allows to store information as a system of facts, where users can indicate how these facts relate to each other. This functionality opens new and powerful possibilities such as faster information analysis, information filtration, information merge and automatic knowledge construction.

Search for Facts in a New and Powerful Way
Because information is stored as a system of facts, Science Architect allows to decrease the amount of scientific information in a precisely controllable manner. Therefore, scientists can read the information that is necessary to them at that moment and skip everything else. For more detailed information see information filtration.